The power of " ARIGATO"( Thank you!) on Valentine's day

最終更新: 2022年3月23日


My 92-year-old mother has been under huge stress caused by the rising rate Omicron virus.

In her nursing home, there have been 3 Omicron patients, and residents are asked to have meals in their room. Socialization is prohibited in its community room. Mum is feeling lonely and depressed.

She Interprets everything with a negativism /victim mentality.

She thinks only she has been targeted to receive treatment with less care.

For example, she thinks she is the only one who is confined in her room.

One of the staff accidentally broke her mug cup then, she is complaining that she had been bullied and they broke it intentionally.

I, who is in the extensive process of keeping a positive mindset, can not tolerate her complaints and stories. Often I tell her to stop our phone conversation but yesterday, I had time and I felt so sorry for her, I listend to her for about 45 minutes.

Being patient for 45 minutes to listen to her repeating the same victim stories is training for me. I did sometimes told her it was not only her who had to stay in her room, but most of the time, I did not preach.

Then, she calmed down and became normal herself.

I had sent her several items to cheer her up on the previous day, and I asked her whether she had received them or not. I had not heard any mention about them from her, nor any thank you.

mum " I did, I said thank you."

Me " No, you did not."

mum "Yes, I did !"

me "No, I have not heard anything.

mum 、"OK OK alright, thank you in her reluctant way

However, I was surprised, even her thank you in a reluctant sulky tone, hearing " Thank you" from her made me feel good.

So I told her that immediately that her " ARIGATO" made me feel happy.

I believe " Arigato" has positive power.

I try to say "ARIGATO" at least Five times first in the morning when I wake up.

After we had a healthy conversation, my mum said, " I am sorry I am not useful and being a burden to you."

So, I said, " Please do not say sorry, instead, better say " Thank you" Thank you is more cheerful!!

This time, she said " Thank you ." cheerfully.


Today, I had a conversation with my friend who is also caring for her 93 yr old father, and she shared some excellent thoughts with me.

She told me that elderly people were in a position always to have to say " Thank you " to people around who take care of them. who help them to do things, but they rarely are said, " Thank you." They also often feel about themselves "as useless." They do not experience somebody tells them " Arigato"

My friend used to take care of her elderly parents at their home three times per week, but she had never heard a single " Thank you." from them. After her mother had passed away and both IN LAWS also had passed away, she was compelled by her strong wish that her father should live long. Each time when her father was hospitalized, then discharged, she told him, " Thank you for being and staying strong to be recovered and see me again.!" She now truly feels thankful for his presence.

Me too about my mom.

I am determined I would tell her more, " Thank you." Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for making so much effort to raise me and love me.

I should thank more to others who are around me too. For example, to my students and parents, to my friends and ,,,

I always feel happy when somebody comes to me to say that they liked my music.

Everybody needs encouragement.

House workers need to be thanked for their effort at home too.

I will never be a person with lip service, but when I find something nice, I will voice, especially if that voice will lift somebody's spirit.

Say it!
