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Beethoven & Anthony Robbins; Mentors, Coaches and Motivational speakers

Anthony Jay Robbins, I've respected him for a long time, but as a mentor of my self-development, I felt that his approach didn't fit me personally, so I took him just as One of Those great motivational speakers.

My preferences were other otivational spekers; sucha as Jay Shetty, Lews Howes、Goal Cast、

A neuro scientist, Dr. Caroline Leaf and Psychologist Dr. Henry Cloud 、

I also listen to JOEL OSTEEN and Joyce Meyer' s talk.

In the end of January, an ad of "TONY ROBBIN’S UNSHAKABLE, 5days Free ONLINE course" appeaered on my Instgram feed. For some reason, I don't remember very well, but I signed up.

It's from 2 o'clock in the middle of the night in Japan time every night for 5 days, it looked impossible to participate,

I didn't take it too seriously.、

To my surprise, TONY and team Sent me a REPLAY (recording) every day, I was very grateful, so when I looked into the recording..、

After all, he is a mentor and coach of so many famous people, dignitaries around the world , he was amazing ! .

First of all, certainly, when you are depressed or feeling low or when you need courage, you should move your body and raise the energy first

The simple movement he encouraged us to do, made a big sense.

Physiology Fist! Anyway, it's very convincing to move your body a little and speak out before you do anything, (It can also be applied to piano lessons)

It's fun just to watch people from all over the world jumping on the huge screen at his studio,

What he's saying is also awasome,

Above all,I understood the kind heart of this huge big man, who looked like a giant to me.。

In the end, I skipped the parts that I was not interested in, but I watched them all for 5 days, and I was looking forward to it every day from the middle.

Unlike other self-development courses(I don't know because I didn't take many courses.、People from various countries and races around the world answer TONY's call on a huge screen and try to cheer up! Just watching them fly and jump makes my heart brighter.、TONY's enveloping talk was very encouraging and warmed my heart, so when it's over, I kind of missed seeing them , and I actually bought a recording of this course.

But everything is about encounters and timing...

Even amazing offers are lining in front of us, we often do not even pick it up, or try to know. People as well.

While watching and listening to the recording of fun, powerful and wise coaching by TONY, Another encounter was brought about.

Tis new person does coaching but he is a first class professional musician.

Tony's approach is very, warm, powerful and reaching out to people who are trying to recover from the American gangster ring, and it's really wonderful.

The approach with this person is of course more related to art and music , different from TONY's, It won't be a comparison, but...he is also amazing Looking forward to it~~!!

I also want to play a coaching-like role in my teaching the piano. But no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to coach in a style like TONY, Because it's not me,、

Recently, two students finally started Beethoven's strong type of piano sonata that was not the early days light ones, I'm not good at this sort of Beethoven pieces.

I feel like it's not picturesque or colorful, so I can't grasp it with my senses.。I studied abroad in Germany to conquer that complex.(Schumann & Brahms are OK. I can handle) Beethoven's music is often too Masculine to me.

Also, his music language is direct, and I'm confused,

But his music is full of wonderful spirituality, power , encouragement, and love, and it really always strengthens my soul, and Iove them.

Then, it came into my mind suddenly that Beetheven' s music was like TONY ROBBINS!


That's all for today


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