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Witnessing students' growth over many years

The 16year-old piano student I have been teaching since he was 6 but was taking a leave for the last 2 years suddenly came to visit me with his lovely parents.

His parents always did encourage him to do well by helping him to enter a very good school, letting him learn English, and music from a young age, and always supporting him.

He came to say " Hi "to me before he was going to leave for the U.S.A for one year as a High school exchange student.

Actually, in the essay to apply for this exchange program, he wrote " My strength was Basket ball and Piano, I played Chopin's revolutionary etude at the last concert." (He did play at our students' recital 2 years ago.)

Thus there is a big chance that he would be asked to play piano by his host family and board members, he was planning to come to me during August to relearn the etude. Then, suddenly, his departure date was picked for the next week.


He came to say Bye and also he did play for me a little. To my good surprise, he remembered 2/3 of the notes and fingerings. I did push him hard,, It was rewarded!

Fortunately, nowadays, we can do lessons online.

He used to be a little chubby boy but now, he is so tall. Look at the size of his hands!! He can reach easily the 9th!! I am very jealous!

His parents told me how grateful they were for how I taught him, I did not push him to do the standard piano method but just along with finger training & music theory( reading,) I let him learn pieces he and his parents loved. famous pieces of music that bore names, He did some chamber music, and he also did a duo with his friend who played violin.

He said when he comes back, he would love to master "F. Liszt's, La Campanella."

I am looking forward.

Have a wonderful experience, K!

As a souvenir, I gave him one of the finger training balls so that he could train his fingers at least in the airplane or when he gets bored and his hands are free.

Thank you for your visit at the last minute's hectic schedule before your departure!!

May God protect you and bless you!




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*その後に有料の体験レッスンを受け付けます。(¥2500 for 40 minutes, ¥3000 for 60 minutes Trial lessons are available with a fee.



*以前にピアノレッスン受講歴がある方は最後に弾いていた曲や、使っていた本を教えて下さい。​その場合 ,体験レッスンにおいでになられる時には完璧でなくても、何か弾いて頂けますと、今後の展望が組み立て易くなります。If you or your child( children) had piano lessons before, please let me know what books or pieces he/she had played last time and if possible, bring the book and play for me( It's not a test!)


*​ ご希望の曜日、時間を話し合います。気になる事もご遠慮なくご相談下さい。We will discuss dates and times convenient for both of us. Please feel free to share your concerns. Your information will be kept everything confidential.



Fukazawa 5chome Setagaya-ku


3 minutes walk from Nittaidai crossing


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