Is reading music/notes stressful? -2,Creative ways of learning
Ms. K forgot to bring the music score of a musical piece she started to learn last week, I have given her my copy thus we did not have any score at all.
I really wanted her to finish the last 2 parts we had not covered last time, So, I decided to let her write the music on my I pad from memory.
At first, she was not willing, but soon, she gets it, and Oh, how fast children of this generation can maneuver anything electric! Within a few minutes, she started to operate the score writing app. by herself.
She even corrected my incorrect memory on the I pad.

Writing music helps understand music from a different perspective. One can definitely rethink meaning and functions in the context of various musical notations in the score. This is a kind of " Deep learning."

It took up a whole 45 minutes lesson but she did play the piece from the score she made. but I think it was worth doing. Ms. K was very proud of herself.
2nd student, she tries to play music from not reading but hearing.
She was not confident about which E she starts and which E she moves
I started also with her to write the piece on the score. As we proceed, she found out about G sharp can be written as A flat,, When there are phrases that are exactly or almost the same, we can use copy and paste.
We put also carefully slurs, Fortes and Piano, crescendo and diminuendos,, rit. etc,,, When we made MIDI to play, AI was extremely faithful to executing all the instructions we wrote. Rather exaggerating ways which made us realize again what we wrote and hear the musical effect of the writing.

reminded us what that musical notation truly meant
She too was very quick to learn how to use this app. I am sure she would be able to write music by herself in the future.