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 Is reading notes stressful? −1

There are so many piano learners who believe reading notes (score) is a stressful process. This is the ongoing stumbling block/forever discussed topic in piano learning.

It is not easy to persuade kids who have already gotten a perception that reading music is a nuisance /difficult/ complicated.

However, Look! In the Western 12-tone scale, We have only 5 X 2 10 lines. The piano has 7 white keys and 5 black keys.

---------- suppressing Negative mind

The difference between people who have a Negative mindset (fear, laziness, pride, etc.)and who do not.

Actually, those humans, young or old, who are not afraid of new challenges( I was not this type at all ) even though they may find reading music cumbersome, proceed to read notes less stressfully. So, I feel it is rather one’s mindset, and this mindset difference make difference in people’s life. When they are motivated, they also handle the challenges less stressfully.

1 MOTIVATION makes changes too!

One of my students reads perfectly when it comes to Disney music pieces but not so perfect with regular pieces. One of my adult beginner students is determined to play a complicated Chopin piece. She read and practiced and she can do it!! Motivation reduces stress in learning too.

2, training to suppress Negative mind/ breathing/ imaging

As I said, I was not the lucky human equipped with confidence, thus I feel strongly wanting to help children who are vulnerable like me.

One example is that I ask my pupils about the most comfortable feeling they experienced, e.g; Mommy’s hug, licking ice cream, Hugging a puppy or mine, cappuccino foam, Thinking & imagine the scene or feeling, smell, smile of their most comfortable experience and hug her/himself and breath, breath out from the nose for long 7 counts, hold breath for 3-4 counts, then breath in for 5 counts. Repeat this set twice( at least.)

After this, I will tell them they are totally capable of challenges and reading notes are not difficult for them and let them try.

I am not 100 % sure yet how much this exercise would help them either in their reading or other challenges in their life but I know that when I am under pressure, My breath becomes shallow and I wish my piano teacher had taught me some tips to relax or conditioning.

Is reading music stressful?ー2 DORAEMON (making learning fun)

I try to make learning as fun-filled as possible.

Besides、MUSICAL spelling quizzes with ABCDEFG, Today, when one of my students was learning the last chord of

"Burgmuller Arabesque."

Right-hand plays  DO LA Left-hand plays LA MI   From the bottom, LAMIDORA, DOREMI

  Right hand, DO LA,  Left hand LA MI   Upward, LAMIDORA, DORAMI,

 Using anything, Playing with words, rhyming, if students could increase the notes they are sure of 、both on the keyboard and musical stuff, I am happy.

Happy to serve young and sensitive piano learners !!

This is a picture of the world's best DORAYAKI、I had in my life. They are with white bean paste and red bean paste respectively. In credibly good!

Next Is reading music stressful? -3 ( Write music to learn to read)


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3 minutes walk from Nittaidai crossing


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