The time of awakening
I think people are given different tasks at different times, things to discover, and people and things to encounter. I believe in the energy field theory that people emit certain kinds of energy and attract people with the same type of energy/wavelength/ frequency.
From my experience of using a tuning fork to cure my physical condition last December,
What is sound? = Waves = Energy. I have been obsessed with understanding quantum physics; then, of course, I became more and more connected to the non-mainstream fields of what people call "New Age trends." I encountered unique people and things. Many accounts in the Bible, which seemed to be taken as "Non--scientific," become now, can be explained, and the door to an unknown world that was previously shut to me has been opened.
Human history is still full of unknowns, and many things( truth) are hidden due to the interests of the people in power at that time, and it would be inconvenient if they became known to the general population. I also noticed that people try to prevent the masses of people from seeing the truth by categorizing and labeling them as questionable. " New Agey trends." or in some cases, religious. But also, this is the time when many people can be freed from mind control and become free. Thanks to the Internet!
Maybe people who play the piano (musicians) spend a lot of time practicing, so we don't have as much time to access various information as the average person but musicians who are all the time dealing with sounds can not avoid the mystery of the power of sound.

My awareness of the Careator's existence increased. I am moved by the interestingness of human history. I spent every moment grateful to the creator and appreciative of his gift of sound and the skills to create music.
I share any unique information (as long as it is not a dangerous idea) with my students and friends; I like people to be flexible towards new findings.
Control of emotions = energy, breathing, understanding resonance, all of which are connected to the psychology and technique of performance.
Some of my students know which sound fork ( Herz) fits her/ his state and choose before the lesson.
Sound has healing power too.
.But in our piano lessons, listening with concentration & breathing come first. and these sound forks help!
